Thursday, September 29, 2011

Analyzing the Case Assignment

For this blog, I would like to briefly comment on the case analysis project that we had to complete.  The article was about a corporate CEO who came into a new company with the intent of rejuvenating its sub-par operations.  To do so, he developed a super team, which brought him and the company success for a few years.  Eventually, however, this success ended and his team was in shambles.  At this point, he had to make the executive decision of whether to pick up the pieces and put his team back together, or jump ship completely and search for a new team.  This dilemma was the subject of our paper, and we chose that he should attempt to save his team.

I do not want to copy my essay for this post, so I decided to talk about my opinion of the assignment instead.  I thought the assignment was very interesting and beneficial.  I found it interesting because it highlighted key issues we heard about in the classroom and presented them in a real life scenario that we all may relate to at one point or another in our future business careers.  I also found the assignment because we had to incorporate ideas as a team, which was the subject of the article.  I found the assignment beneficial because after reading about the problems within Peter's team, we had to think critically and devise solutions that we think will mend his broken team.  If we were able to think of solutions for his teams' problems, we will have no trouble handling the solving of problems within our own final project teams.  In my mind, this will make working with my team, and the project in general, much easier to manage and complete.  These problem solving skills that we utilized in this assignment will also be very beneficial when we enter the corporate world, and make us that much more valuable to our employers.

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