Thursday, September 29, 2011

In Class Case Analysis

For this post, I would like to provide feedback on the racing case we worked on in class.  I also found this analysis very beneficial and interesting.  I found it interesting because it related to a sport, which motivated me to go into the deepest form of analysis I could.  I also found it interesting because I thought it related in a way to gambling, in the sense that if they raced they put their reputation and sponsorships on the line, and if they did not race they chose not to gamble and had very little risk.  I can relate personally to this article because I am an avid Texas Hold Em poker player, and find myself going through the same analysis very often throughout the course of the game.  Every time I get dealt a hand, I have to decide whether I want to play my cards, or fold my hand.  Before I do so, I go through a cost/benefit analysis very similar to what we did in class for this assignment.  I take into account how much money I could make, and how much money I could lose if things should not go my way.  I evaluate the variables that can have an effect on my outcome, just like we did for those that could have had a possible effect on the racing teams' outcome. 

I found this article beneficial because it gave me the opportunity to sharpen my decision making skills.  With sharper decision-making skills, I can benefit at the poker tables, in the class room, and in the business world.  Also, I feel that this exercise helped us to become a better and stronger team.  We had to consider everyone's opinion when making decisions, which again I feel will be very beneficial when working on the major group project.

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