Thursday, October 20, 2011

NFL Lockout

For my team's project, we chose the NFL lockout.  We decided upon this topic because it covers a great deal of organizational behavior topics that were previously discussed in class.  For example, conflict is obviously the key focal point because the league and the players union were pitted against one another.  With the conflict also comes negotiation, and how the conflict can be resolved.  Communication is our second key focal point, as both groups had to find ways to effectively communicate with each other.  Individuals of each group had to also effectively communicate with the others members of their group.  Finally, our third focal point is leadership, and the different relationships between representatives and members of each side.

So I chose to blog about this because I feel that even though the project is in its very beginning stages, our teamwork can already be linked to several past readings.  We had to all agree on this topic, so that tested our ability to stand up to groupthink.  Next, we established a common goal among all group members, which distinguished us from a working group.  Finally, during class in the library on Wednesday, we had to designate individuals to search for articles in each of the three areas we want to focus on for our paper.  By doing so, this eliminated the conflict of group members finding and summarizing the same articles as another group member.  Finally, at the end of the class it appeared as though leaders arose, as they were responsible for the designation of research areas.  All in all, these signs are very promising, and I feel that they are an accurate representation that my team will have no problem working together to complete the project.


  1. I like your research topic and I look forward to hearing more about it. I myself didn't understand much about the NFL lockout when it was actually happening. So this research topic interests me, and hopefully your research and results can help me understand a little more about what went on when the NFL was having their lockout. I look forward to seeing your results and analysis.

  2. I feel the same way as the topic above. I also did not understand much about the NFL lockout. I am also looking forward to your group's findings so that i may learn a little. You may even find something that no one else has.

  3. Lol I just googled "organizational conflict in NFL Lockout" and your blog was the first thing that came up.
