Thursday, November 17, 2011

Case 2

As a junior who was evaluating which company I wanted to inter with this spring, I had a special interest in the SAS case.  As I realized, a company's culture and management are a major factor to consider in terms of employer evaluation.  If I was an employee and SAS was one of my potential employers, I would choose them in a heartbeat.  While reading the case, I found numerous employee-friendly benefits such as a campus that offers several amenities such as fitness and healthcare facilities, job autonomy, and constant interaction with other employees (and activities to encourage this).  The company also has an extremely low turnover ratio, which is very encourage to any individual who is considering the company for employment.  As I was evaluating firms for internships, I found myself looking for many of the same amenities that SAS offers (except for the thing like fitness and childcare centers).


  1. I liked what you wrote and I think that to much emphasis is put on salary these days. You can buy a lot of nice things with a good salary but you cannot buy happiness at work with it. Finding a job or career that fits with your style of work is very important to have a nice fulfilling career. This will make you a more productive employee and can help spur new ideas and innovations.

  2. I also liked what you wrote. The qualities that SAS has for its employees are very nice. If I were looking for a job i would look for many of the same benefits. Hopefully one day when I get a job I will be able to find the same benefits.
