Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Magic Cable Case

I thought the Magic Cable case we discussed in class was very interesting, and that a lot can be learned from it.  I thought the case presented a situation that is a very common occurrence in the working world.  Gary Roberts was not satisfied with his current position at Tile-Elite, and therefore frantically started to search for other means of employment.  The main reason he chose to do this was because he was looking for something that provided future opportunities for advancement; where he could be promoted to a higher, more managerial position.  This motivational factor showed that he was focused more on the long-term than the short-term.  He then took a job with Magic Cable, and everything was going very well for him in the early stages of his employment with magic cable (short-term).  However, things quickly crumbled, and he eventually became disgusted with Magic Cable and left for another company.  I feel that when he chose to work at magic cable, he ignored his goal of focusing on the long-term as opposed to the short-term.  He was so worried about finding another job and getting away from Tile-Elite, that he did not evaluate the future pros and cons of working at Magic Cable.  As a result, the spur-of-the-moment decision he made to join Magic Cable put him right back in the situation he was in before he joined Magic Cable.

I think this same mistake is also very common in the business world.  Individuals are so motivated to find a job just so they have a steady source of income that they forget to evaluate their future with the company.  Sure getting a job will suffice for the short-term, but usually the individual becomes miserable in the long-term because he or she did not consider the long-term effects when they took the job, which is the same mistake Gary made.

1 comment:

  1. I agree, although Gary was happier with the small perks at Magic Cable, he didn't look at the big picture. The work was simple and boring, and wasn't enough to make him happy. His superior's ignored his ideas, and he didn't have his long term goal of being promoted. All of this built up until Gary had enough and quit his new job. Although Magic Cable looked better at first glance, Gary didn't properly plan his long term goals, so he became unhappy with his job yet again.
