Thursday, November 3, 2011

Google Video

I found the Google motivational video that we watched in class on Monday to be very interesting and informative.  I really never thought about how giving employees a day to work on whatever they want could impact their motivation.  Many individuals seem to be motivated by money, which in my eyes is the wrong thing to be motivated by.  Yes while money may be a means of encouragement in the short term, its effect will eventually wear off.  However, is one is motivated by the fact that occasionally he or she can go to work and work on whatever they want, I feel they are being motivated by a better reason.  Individuals who use this as motivation will get more enjoyment out of their job, which is something money can't provide.  Also, using a free day as a means of motivation is also very beneficial to Google as well.  If employees work on whatever they want, who knows what kinds of new ideas or projects will arise.  Google can then implement these ideas and end up using them as a source of profit; and it's because they know how to motivate their employees.

1 comment:

  1. By removing the "uptight" corporate atmosphere of other firms, Google is helping to motivate their employees by creating as pleasant a work environment as they can. Their unframed working hours give their employees both freedom and space to create new ideas, and then implement those new ideas. Their recruitment process already selects the best of the best, so any employees they have are qualified. By loosening the reigns and giving their employees space and freedom, Google has helped to create a free-flowing work environment that rewards innovative new ideas.
