Thursday, November 3, 2011

"It Could be Worse" video

After watching the video about how a CEO handled complaints, I can totally relate to how that executive handled these complaints.  I do not in any way condone his tactics, but I can see how they have a practical application.  He handle's mostly every problem by saying "It could be worse."  In a sense, he is right.  While his employees did not have the optimum work conditions, they could have had headsets that did not function at all.  By handling complaints this way, he is cutting the costs of having to replace the headsets.  In this economy, this saved amount could be the difference between life and death of his company.  If he keeps applying his complaint-handling tactics, his employees are going to eventually get frustrated to the point where they may quit.  Since the position seemed like a basic call center position, he should not have a problem bringing in a new employee to do the job; one who is less likely to complain as much because he or she just started and does not want to start off on the wrong foot by making a negative first impression.  Again, I would never use such tactics as the CEO did, but I can understand why he chose to act like that.


  1. I can understand your point about the video. I just think that CEO was lazy and did not want to spend more money to improve their employee’s motivation.

  2. I think the CEO was only looking at the problems from a financial angle. He didn't even seem to take in account the employees' well-being. Had he put himself in their shoes instead of of just looking at it from the CEO point of view, I feel that he would have a completely different opinion.
