Thursday, December 8, 2011

Class Summary

Even though this class was a lot of work, I actually really enjoyed the class.  First of all, it was pretty awesome that we had no exams.  While we did have several other assignments instead, I thought they were a lot better than studying for an exam.  I also thought Dr. Goates did a great job of making the material interesting.  Normally, the subject matter of the class seems like it would be really dry, but the various articles we read put it into a real-life perspective, which makes it more interesting because we can see the material being used.  He also gave great examples which made me think in ways I never did before.  For example, I never thought that the design of a building would say something about the culture of that institution.  The example he gave of the business schools of Vanderbilt and Shippensburg really put his idea into perspective. For about a week after that example, I found myself analyzing the design of many of the accounting firms' offices when I went for office interviews.  I also liked how he incorporated activities into the class as well.  They definitely kept the class interesting, and I feel that I remember the concepts the activities emphasized better than those that were not the subjects of activities. 

I think that many of the concepts we learned about in class will also be very useful outside of the classroom as well.  For example, the negotiation tactics we learned will be very useful to everyone when they start full-time employment and have to negotiate an offer with the company/firm.  Since we know how to properly negotiate, we have the potential to start at a drastically higher salary than someone who doesn’t know what we know.

It's been a great class, but I'm definitely glad it's over.  Hope everyone has a great break, and good luck next semester!

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