Sunday, December 4, 2011

The "Inside" Scoop for the Slogan Activity

So I don't think I missed any blog posts, but just in case I did I'll do this one extra one.  I just wanted to briefly comment again on the in class slogan activity now that we have discussed it in class.  One thing that I thought was really interesting about the activity now that I look back at it was how the connections you have with others in the workplace can be very important.  No one really brought this point up in class, so I thought this would be the perfect place to discuss it.  Just like in a real company, I felt that there was some significance put on the connections that individuals in the activity had with each other.  For example, I noticed individuals in the bottom group texting their friends in the top group and the NMBL to try and figure out what was going on.  Based on these connections these individuals had, they were able to gain information that no one else knew.  I feel that the same kind of thing exists within real companies as well.  Certain employees will obviously know information about things such as promotions, company policies, or client information.  Obviously, other employees who have a strong connection with these individuals will be the only ones among their co-workers that will know this information, ergo giving them an advantage over those who do not know this "insider" information.

1 comment:

  1. I think you brought up a great point that we did not cover in class. I think this is definitely a relevant point. within a company there are going to be personal relationships among certain employees that may supersede the relationship with the company. people may exchange information among one another that may not otherwise be exchanged. This could possibly be either beneficial or detrimental to the company.
