Thursday, December 1, 2011

My Role as a Have-not in the Class Activity

While we were doing the slogan activity a few weeks ago, it didn't occur to me that the activity was so closely related to the Alinsky article about the haves and have-nots.  As a member of the lower group, one would automatically assume that we were the have-nots simply because we were at the bottom of the food chain.  However, it turns out that we ended up having most of the power in the exercise.  The top group, who was considered by most to be the haves, relied on us for the slogans that would make them money.  Since they relied on us for the slogans, we had the power to influence their success.  During the activity, I feel that the top group tried to show us how powerful they were by not communicating with the lower group very much because they saw us as having no power.  As a result, they found out the hard way who actually held the power in that exercise.  When the majority of the lower groups decided to under-cut the top group and go straight to the customer, they realized that they were the ones that were more like the have-nots because without the slogans of many of the lower groups, they made very little money.


  1. I agree with you that people will always want more. People will always want what is the latest and greatest. The haves are like everyone else they just want more.

  2. I didn't think about it like that, and it's a good connection. Because the top group thought they had the most power, they ended up with less in the end because the bottom group surpassed them when it came to selling the slogans. I am very curious as to how the class representation would have played out if there were just some slight changes in who was in each group. I think it all depends on who is given the "power".

  3. I agree. Everyone in the exercise wanted something, whether it be slogans or goatbucks. However, everyone's outcome was primarily dependent on the bottom group's production of slogans. That's why they had the most power int he exercise.
