Thursday, December 8, 2011

Group Presentations

After watching all of the presentations, I thought they were all really interesting.  I really liked the video at the beginning of the BP presentation.  I thought the video did a great job of visualizing just how devastating the spill was.  The group also made the video themselves, which I think shows how creative they were.  I think using videos in a presentation is a great way to emphasize points.  We had a video for the end of ours, but unfortunately we did not get to use it due to time constraints.  I also never knew that Steve Jobs was involved with Disney/Pixar.  I assumed that his whole life revolved around Apple, so I thought that fact was very interesting.  I also really enjoyed the presentation about the accounting scandals.  Since I'm an accounting major, I found this presentation to be especially interesting.  Like I said, I think all of the presentations went really well, and it showed how hard all of the groups worked to put them together.  Both days went really well, and I think everyone will join me in saying thank god the presentations are over with! 

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