Thursday, December 1, 2011

Power Eilte

For this blog post, I wanted to discuss the Power Elite that we discussed in class on Wednesday.  I heard about the Power Elite during my freshman year in my sociology class, but I didn't really understand the concept back then.  Now that I hear about it now, I can completely wrap my head around the concept.  I think it is very interesting how a certain group of business executives, military officials, and political figures can have such a sphere of influence over all aspects of the world.  I think that these individuals deserve the power they have acquired, as I'm sure they had to work very hard to get where they are today.  However, it does worry me that such a small group can easily make such critical decisions that will affect everyone without much question or opposition.  I also thought it was interesting that these individuals get their power from the institutions they represent.  I never thought of power this way, but when Dr. Goates gave the example that Obama isn't powerful because he is Obama, but rather because he is the president, I took a liking to the concept since it is universally true for any member of the Power Elite.

1 comment:

  1. I was also interested in this concept. That people could have power simply from the position they hold. His example of Barack Obama was a great one, and it showed how holding a job title can give a person a great deal of power..
